Cllr Sandy Walkington's last ditch attempt to stop Hertfordshire County Council from proceeding to sell its land for the giant SEGRO freight terminal south of St Albans lost by two votes today.
Sandy presented a series of arguments about the significant changes in circumstances since the planning permission was granted in 2014 to members of the council's Overview & Scrutiny Committee. In particular he asked why we should sign off on a deal which will leave Hertfordshire's council tax payers with unquantifiable bills for highway improvements and maintenance since only some of the road improvements are to be funded by SEGRO.
"It was really frustrating," Sandy said. "Afterwards councillors of all parties and officers told me how strong my arguments had been. Some of my points were not even addressed by the officers. But when it came to the vote, everything proceeded down dreary party tramlines. Every Conservative present voted to agree the sale and that was enough to win by two votes. It is a desperately sad day for Hertfordshire.