Demand Better for Kenilworth
by Andy Lewis
1 Feb 2020
Andy Lewis: A Plan for Kenilworth
- A long-term solution to the parking nightmare on our residential streets, especially parking on pavements. We need a joined up approach that includes enforcement and creation of more parking spaces for residents (CPZ).
- Protect our green spaces. Our council could have resisted the threats of over-development, but chose not to. We are slowly losing our green spaces, trees and parklands.
- Better use of developers' contributions (s106). Our Council currently have £3.5 million from the housing developments in Borehamwood, which could be used to improve our current facilities or build a new youth centre. Instead our councillors have wasted some of this money by relocating a community asset - Borehamwood Bowls Club and replacing it with yet another a cafe.
- More and suitable affordable/social housing. Local residents are struggling to get onto the property ladder and are being priced out by the over-inflated prices set by developers. All new development must be built with environmental sustainability in mind.